“Bawl your eyes out. Sulk. Pretend you don’t exist. And if you’re feeling a bit daring, have a panic attack. Weep. That should do it.
“Bawl your eyes out. Sulk. Pretend you don’t exist. And if you’re feeling a bit daring, have a panic attack. Weep. That should do it. Shed tears. That should solve all your problems. Pretend everything’s normal. Alienate your friends. Dare everyone to hate you. Nobody cares right? Now smile. So they wont know you’re dying inside. Cry a little while you’re at it. Go to work. Drop everything. Be in pensive mood all day.
That’s your choice.
Drive. Listen to songs that reflect your cheerless state. Get thoroughly fucked up in the head. Think about all the things you’ve been through and how it all pales in comparison with what you’re having right now. Invite people to look in. Flash a downcast sneer. Smoke a cigarette. Be hateful. Light another one. Be bitter. Walk slow. Like the world does not exist. Eat little. And watch yourself shrink an unhealthy four sizes down. Sleep late. Or until your head hurts and feels like its about to explode.
Now wake up.
Repeat cycle..
Are you done?
Well finish it. Stop it.
And stop moaning about it.
You’re pathetic.
Now get up. Stand up and brush yourself off. You are no more special than the next person sitting beside you. Realize that people care. Breathe. Life is grand! And know that the only person stopping you from being the best that you can be is yourself. Look at your kids. They’re rooting for you. Look at your wife. She has been at your back this whole time silently weeping and praying everyday. Now call your friends. They understand you more than you think you know. Get back to work. Feel the passion flowing back through your veins like the first time you walked along those office floors. Love yourself. But let me tell you this- you are a child of God. Look back at all those things that hurt you and realize that it doesn’t define you or your life after all. Read a book. Or write one. Get published. Become a multi millionaire. Help your team. Go to the gym. Fuck it, have a pedicure! I don’t care. But fix yourself. Because no one will.
If you’re having one of those dark days its okay. Its okay. Pain will always be there. But suffering will always be a choice! Leverage the pain. And use it as an instrument for your greatest growth. Forget the past. Look back on memories but don’t let memories define who you are. Forgive everything. Embrace anything. Stay vertical. And maybe most important of all- stop bothering God with your shit right now because he’s busy with the more important matters.
By the way, fuck you for making me write this. I hope you got inspired.”
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