Why?, I ask every time friends post on Facebook food they either are about to eat or just ate. Let me make this clear. Not just any kind of food– expensive food.
I mean, don’t you have that little sensitive bone in your body that tells you that not everyone can afford the kind of food that you’ve just put on display for the whole world to see?
Studies have shown that a hunger hormone can trigger and influence depression and anxiety.
Poor people have access to Facebook too you know? Some poor homeless guy can easily get depressed at the gorgeous sight of that well-plated steak that you so smugly showcased on your wall. You people even have the audacity to add additional comments like–
“Best steak I’ve eaten in years.”
Or, an equally conceited yet simple tag like–
“Spiral Restaurant during lunch break.”
Then you wait for other people to comment cause you know that it’s a 2000 peso plate and somebody has to know that you spending 2000-over-my-dead-body-pesos for lunch is like- normal for you. (Please insert “Fucking” between like and normal)
What? Do you seriously think you are the only person who goes out, dines fancy then takes a well-lighted photo of their food? Hello??? I dine too! I just do it, well, less often.
Like once a year often.
The important thing is that the experience falls within the vicinity of fine dining!
Like for example, Max’s Restaurant.
Max’s Restaurant for me is fine dining. And allow me to explain why. I sit down, I stuff myself full, I go home, I end up spending less than 2000 pesos and I’m “FINE” with that!
Anyway, I think my dislike for people posting food on Facebook to show off their culinary affluence is slowly enlarging into a misanthropy toward the whole of mankind. Okay, maybe not everyone. That would be too much hatred. Just, people who are on Facebook and Instagram. Now that I think about it, basically, just about everyone.
So yeah, everyone!
Listen, the truth is, I’m jealous. Jealous of not having a culinary moment I can proudly call my own.
I eat out and it’s either a crappy resto or your run-of-the-mill fast food joint where everything is less than a Sergio Osmena.
I have food in front of me and I’m thinking–
“Okay, this oily Galunggong does not merit a Kodak moment”.
Who in their right mind would sit down and carefully take a picture of their thirty-five peso Jollyjeep galunggong with extra rice take-out inside a plastic ice bag?
Yes!!!! As in Ice water!!!
Haaaaaaay!!! What’s more–
I can’t even buy fish that sounds expensive!
Galunggong!!!??? WTF???!!!
The bottom line is, I should spend more on food.
That is, if I had more.
But I don’t.
Hence, my gastronomic inferiority towards expensive food and the people who showcase it.
This–is my little gastronomic issue.
And I don’t have to hear it from you because I already know! I’m a sick and insecure bastard who’s been eating too many Minute burgers and Mini Stop siopaos. This time I’ll let you win. I won’t even dispute this. Not until next year when it’s time for–Max’s Restaurant baby!
Eat your hearts out you fucking insensitive people!
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