This…is just a pic of me.
Riding a bike.
Nothing extraordinary. Nothing deserving of your worthwhile attention. It doesn’t revolve around issues of intimacy, relationships, trust, or any strewn concepts of entitlement that perfectly capture or embody our new millennial thoughts and actions.
I don’t even think the consistency of posting elements of my daily adventures would somehow someday bring about a legacy of everlasting fame to my otherwise simple, mundane life.
But people, it has come to my attention, live for those few minutes of fame. A few like buttons, gratifying comments from friends or even a shared post feels like an over-caffeinated moment of clarity.
A moment so highly addictive that your next plan is to one-up that post in the hopes of replicating that feeling of overwhelming joy. That satisfying comfort of acceptance. That one brief period in time where you feel like you’re better than the next person, like your life has more meaning than most people, that you are better than everybody else.
That you are extraordinary.
Do I ever feel that way?
I don’t know.
Sometimes, yes.
Or, just this once…
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