The Single Most Important Quality to Spot in Your Next Social Media Manager

Employers all want the same thing. You’re looking for someone who’s creative, strategic, and tech-savvy—someone who can make your brand shine online. But what if I told you there’s one thing that can reveal a candidate’s true potential faster than you can say “retweet”? Spoiler alert: it’s not just about their resume or interview skills. The secret sauce is hidden in their personal social media accounts.

Why? Well, I had an epiphany. And it made a lot of sense. So I thought Id share it here. I mean, think about it, if someone’s got their own social media game on point, there’s a good chance they’ll bring that same energy to your brand. Think of it this way—if a social media manager can’t handle their own online presence, how can you trust them with yours? It’s like hiring a chef who doesn’t like to cook at home. Sure, they might be able to whip up a meal, but will it be as good as someone who lives and breathes their craft?

A Strong Personal Brand Speaks Volumes

A well-crafted personal brand isn’t just about having a pretty Instagram feed or a bunch of LinkedIn connections. It’s about consistency, strategy, and knowing how to engage an audience. Here’s what a strong personal brand can tell you about a candidate:

1. Strategic Thinking: Building a personal brand takes time and planning. It’s not just about posting cute cat pictures (though those never hurt). It’s about knowing your audience, crafting a message, and sticking to it. If a candidate has done this for themselves, they’re likely to do the same for your brand.

2. Creativity and Content Quality: Check out their posts. Are they using different formats—videos, stories, infographics? Are their captions engaging or just a string of emojis? A creative personal brand is a sign that they’ve got the chops to create compelling content for you too.

3. Engagement Skills: Social media is a two-way street. It’s not just about shouting into the void; it’s about building a community. If a candidate is interacting with their followers, responding to comments, and fostering conversations, they’re showing they know how to engage—an essential skill for managing your brand’s social media.

The Power of Consistency

Let’s not beat around the bush—consistency is king. Anyone can post a few great pieces of content, but can they do it regularly? The law of averages says that the more you show up, the better your chances of success. A social media manager who’s consistently posting high-quality content on their own accounts is more likely to maintain that level of consistency for your brand.

Remember, social media success doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and a candidate who understands this will know how to pace themselves and keep your brand’s content fresh and engaging over the long haul.

Professionalism and Reputation Management

Here’s where the rubber meets the road. A social media manager’s personal accounts should reflect a certain level of professionalism. If they’re managing their reputation well online—balancing personal and professional content without getting into any murky waters—they’re showing you they understand the fine line between being relatable and being professional.

Plus, how they handle any negative feedback or potential PR issues on their own accounts can give you a sneak peek into how they’ll manage your brand’s reputation when the going gets tough.

Why Employers Should Pay Attention

So, why should you care about a candidate’s personal social media presence? Simple—it’s like getting a sneak preview of their work. You’re not just taking their word for it; you’re seeing their skills in action. Plus, it gives you a chance to assess whether they’ll be a good cultural fit for your company. After all, their personal brand is a reflection of their personality, values, and how they might mesh with your team.

And let’s face it—if a candidate has taken the time to build a solid personal brand, it shows they’re serious about social media. They’re not just clocking in and out; they’re living it. That kind of passion and commitment is exactly what you want in a social media manager.

So now what?

When you’re hiring a social media manager, don’t just focus on what’s on paper. Dive into their social media accounts and see what they’re really about. A strong personal brand can be a clear indicator of how they’ll handle your company’s online presence.

In the end, finding the right social media manager might feel like finding a diamond in the rough, but by focusing on personal branding, you can separate the wheat from the chaff. So, before you make your next hire, take a scroll through their social media. It might just be the best decision you make for your brand.