
My Dirty Little Secret (Part 2)

One time I forgot to bring my car home! I had a few (Okay, few is an understatement) beers and took the bus going home. I totally forgot I brought my car to work.

That’s the problem with getting wasted. You can’t help but forget things. (Mental note: Do not bring kids with me when drinking.)

My Little Gastronomic Issue

Anyway, I think my dislike for people posting food on Facebook to show off their culinary affluence is slowly enlarging into a misanthropy toward the whole of mankind. Okay, maybe not everyone. That would be too much hatred. Just, people who are on Facebook and Instagram. Now that I think about it, basically, just about everyone.

A Preamble To The Radically Hopeful

To my detractors: Taking me down has not only made me hard like ice but soft as wind and the sadness that endured is the same sadness that made everything less irrelevant. There. I’d like to keep things prosey when I’m mad. I find that it softens the blow and makes me look less angry.

Channeling Di Caprio

I sat down for a while. I looked around and suddenly had that awful sinking feeling. I probably shouldn’t use sinking as an adjective- when I’m on a boat- in the middle of the ocean.

Tampons Anyone?

I also don’t see where I am going with this. Or why I should write about something so organ sensitive. Well, uh, apparently, this whole Covid19 situation is taking longer than I expected so I thought- might as well be a subject matter expert on something! Anyway, back to our topic. Ladies, please focus. Gents, please try to keep up. 

People of the Philippines vs Von dela Cruz

These things I don’t need in my life. And it really wouldn’t matter. A lot of people like me. Even dogs love me. That guy crossing the street who I let pass when I was driving yesterday likes me. Heck, even my boss likes me. I think. And god bless her, she’s among the discerning lot.

This is Me. Ranting.

Do you know how life tries to convince you to make lemonade when it gives you lemons? 

Well for the past few years, life has been throwing me a few lemons. Okay, that’s putting it mildly. Here’s what really happened. Life embargoed lemons and dumped it all on me. I guess, it felt like I needed that much lemon to teach me a lesson.